Erna Ratnaningsih
Lecturer, Business Law Program, Law Department, Faculty of Humanities Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
The imposition and establishment of a new policy for new energy and renewable energy in Indonesia has become decisive. Indonesia has signed the Paris agreement and has ratified it into national law. Indonesia also has a commitment to fulfill the target of sustainable development goals 7. However, in its implementation there are still challenges and obstacles to increase new and renewable energy in the national energy mix. The research method used is normative juridical with literature study. The objective of this paper is that Indonesia has a new renewable energy policy to meet the achievement of SDGs and Paris Agreement. It will identify and collect laws and regulations related to new and renewable energy. Then map the problems and obstacles in the development of renewable energy in Indonesia. It is desirable for the existing problems and obstacles can be overcome by amending the energy law. Currently, the Indonesian government has outlined the arrangement of the draft of law convening new and renewable energy and is currently incorporated in the national legislative program 2022. Amendments to the new and renewable energy law are important instruments for policy changes to realize the SDGs that can provide legal certainty, strengthen institutions and governance for renewable energy development, create an investment climate and support funding. For this reason, the participation of all elements of the nation is to provide input on the draft law on renewable energy discussion in the House of Representative of Republic Indonesia.